Сustomers’ involvement in your business starts from getting acquainted with the products offered, selecting some of them, and finishes by ordering and receiving the content.
When viewing the content on the digital content selling website built in Cdi system, the customer can select the products he needs and add them to the shopping cart, where he will see all the selected items as soon as he is ready to complete the order.

In order to place the order correctly, your customer is asked for some personal information. Carefully filling in all the data will allow you to perform the delivery according to the correct details, and the customer will get access to the order.

As for payment, the system allows clients to choose the most suitable option among all you are ready to offer. Since the payment methods differ in the speed of their passage and confirmation, the period of opening access to the content depends on them.

As soon as the customer has provided all the necessary information and confirmed the order.

The system automatically generates a notification about its validity both in the system and in a separate email message.

At the same time, the system notifies about a new order, the details of which can be seen after its opening. In order to provide the client with access to the content, all you need to do is make sure that the payment is completed and change the status to "delivered".

The system is convenient for both businesses and customers. Having a personal account, which is created by email and password, the client can view all his orders there.

At the same time, the customer receives a unique code, which is necessary to gain access to the content.

The code can be seen both in the system and in the specified email message. Having received the code via the website or email, customers can immediately follow the link bottom and view the content. They can also do this by clicking on the "access to content" bottom and filling in the code.

It is also worth noting you can manually send the access code directly to the client. First, you go to the "content" section, where you will see special automatically generated codes next to the specific product. These codes provide access to the chosen content.

You can simply copy them and send to your customer.

No more actions are needed! After having got the code your customers won't have problems with its "consumption" and will return for more interesting offers.