E-commerce is no longer something new for anyone. Many businesses are built on the principles of contactless purchase and sale. The development of Internet platforms has largely contributed to the entry of many talented people into the field of online business. Today writers, coachers, teachers, psychologists and many more can independently create websites where they can distribute their knowledge.
TSelling digital content has gained popularity for a reason. At the beginning of 2020, more than 4.5 billion people use the Internet, which means that almost 60% of the world's population is already online. Europe will lead growth in electronics and media e-commerce in the coming years, with revenues growing at an annual rate of 7% by 2025, followed by the U.S. at 6.4% and China at 5.4% (according to Statista)
Today everyone can start making money on what they do best, and it doesn’t require special skills and material costs, which means high competition rate. This also means that the time factor becomes the key, and only those who know how to save time and effort can make profit. Instead of spending time creating your website from scratch, you should seek help from existing websites building systems. Let's look at their work on the example of Cdi.to
The advantage of the system is it’s ease of use and customization. You can immediately upload your materials, set the price and payment methods. The format of the proposed content can be completely different from text files containing information on the rapid learning of foreign languages and ending with videos with the correct pronunciation.
As soon as at least one product appears on your page, you can consider that you are already on the road to success. Immediately after launching, customers get a unique opportunity to purchase your content.
At the same time, you can pay attention to the appearance of your site. In this case, we recommend looking at everything from the client’s point of view. Think about logo and setting up a unique domain, or determine which color scheme is most suitable for your site.

You should use various marketing and promotion tools to promote your own brand. First of all, no matter how strange it may seem, study your own content. Perhaps you could combine some of your products into one package, reducing its cost by providing promo codes. You can define whether code can be used by your customer only once or repeatedly. In the latter case, you can limit an upper limit of it. You can also contact your partners for help using the affiliate program.
Using all the promotion tools offered by the system, the first orders will not be long in coming. The system notifies you about each new order in the web version and by email. In case of using a mobile app you with will be also notified vie it. You will be able to quickly accept the order, confirm the payment and change the status of the order. The system automatically notifies the customer when the status is updated. After confirming the payment, your client will receive a special link and can start getting new skills, waiting for updates from you.